Benefits of Site Blocker Apps

Hundreds of millions of people around the world spend a huge amount of time on their smartphones. These are children of 4-5 years old, and elderly people who have long been retired. But employers are particularly concerned about their own staff, who use every opportunity to communicate via the phone, for games and other distracting programs and sites that reduce the quality and efficiency of work.

Site Blocker Apps: Do They Really Effective?

To understand the effectiveness of programs and applications for blocking websites in browsers and smartphones, you should consider their main functions. The basic package of site or application brokers features includes:

Distracting apps

Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal and other programs for communication on iPhone and android devices are the leaders in the ranking of distracting applications for mobile devices. The second “disease” of people who are chained to the screens of their smartphones during working hours is games. Also, watching movies and other videos on YouTube distracts an employee from his immediate duties for more than an hour. The blockers site for smartphones and browsers, this problem is easily solved by employers.

Prohibited sites

You can use site blockers to restrict access to certain websites. This is useful not only in the workplace, but also for parents who care about what a child does when left alone with a smartphone. Here you can block any url, domain, and, if desired, set a redirect to the desired website.

Should Smartphones be banned on the Workplace?

According to statistics for 2020, 95% of companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and other regions allow their employees to bring personal smartphones to the workplace.

So, should smartphones be banned by a boss? This is unlikely to benefit performance. A person should feel a certain freedom and security, which is achieved, among other things, by having the opportunity to call or clarify something through their mobile device. Moreover, the competent use of a smartphone helps to improve the efficiency of work in many areas (such as trade, service provision, etc.)

Site blocking set up

Based on research from Syntonic, it turns out a very interesting statistic: more than 85% of business areas somehow depend on the ability of staff to use their smartphones.

When To Use Site Blockers?

In each individual case, a special approach is needed, which will not hurt the feelings of employees, will not close the doors to productive working communication, but will protect the staff from “non-working” situations in the workplace. In the vast majority of applications and site blockers successfully solve this problem, through flexible settings. Whether at home or at work, you’ll be able to weed out distracting websites and apps for both yourself and those under your command. If you set everything up correctly, you will definitely feel the positive effect of this blocker.

Which Sites Should Be Blocked to Improve the Quality of Work

Of course, everyone has their own interests, but, in general, if you start blocking sites to your staff, then recommends starting with these web projects:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Youtube
  • Quora, etc