Top 5 code snippet manager for Mac

If you often work with code, you have noticed that your best snippets can be reusable. A few syntax changes and a ready snippet will help you in a new project. But the problem is that all these code fragments need to be stored and systematized somewhere. So you need a code snippet manager. Let’s look at the Top 5 managers for Code Snippet managers developed for Mac. This list will help you choose the best option for you.

SnipperApp 2

This snippet mac manager has a modern interface, syntax highlighting, and Markdown support. You can use local storage for your snippets, or sync data with iCloud. The application also supports GitHub Gist storage so that you can manage your gists on any Mac device. Here are the main advantages of the app:

  • Supports 120+ programming languages;
  • View invisible characters and line numbers;
  • Two color themes and Markdown preview mode;
  • Font customization and quick snippet search.

Its lightweight GUI allows you to work with large amounts of code comfortably, create daily notes, TODOs, and so on. Thanks to an advanced search algorithm, you can quickly find the necessary snippet. The application is designed for software engineers and computer science students who need a universal tool for daily coding.


If you are looking for basic functionality for daily use, then this application may interest you. Sort your snippets into folders and work with tags. You can copy individual pieces of code and rewrite them based on syntax. The program is compatible with all Mac versions. You can work with various programming languages and edit syntax.

Snippet Manager

This manager works with cloud storage. You can save your snippets for quick access. The interface is devoid of complicated options and allows you to organize daily work with syntax. This manager recognizes several tens of programming languages and allows you to work with the code comfortably.


In addition to snippets, here you can create notes and other notes. Cloud synchronization and a lightweight interface are convenient for everyday use. The application has a built-in folder search and allows you to organize your data. Store snippets and edit them in a few clicks.

Code Bank

It is a convenient snippet manager for local data storage. It supports syntax highlighting for programming languages. You can view changes alongside two revisions. Choose the application that suits your daily tasks and gain control over your code.