Timing Etiquette of Mowing Your Lawn

If you have a lawn, you need to be able to properly monitor it. Given that the lawnmower is a fairly noisy device, it is necessary to take into account the interests of neighbors. We will tell you when it is too early or too late to mow the lawn.

When is the Best Time to Mow Your Lawn

This is a fairly simple question and a very simple answer. Following what authoritative publications and people write on forums , the best time when you will have the least complaints, and the work will be done comfortably is 8-10 am. This condition will satisfy any host in any state of the United States and outside of the country.

If the Neighbors Think It’s Still Too Early

In this case, I advise you to specify what time of day they consider convenient for them? Let us know that you are also limited in time, and you would like to finish mowing the lawn by a certain hour. I think that in most cases, we will be able to reach an agreement and maintain friendly relations with our neighbors.

what time to mow lawn on sunday
What the best time to mow lawn on Sunday?

Is 7am Too Early to Mow Lawn?

In addition to problems with noise and neighbors, it is necessary to consider the effectiveness, as well as the benefits and harms of mowing the lawn early in the morning. In most regions of the country, 6 or 7 am is not the best time, believe me.

I agree with the user with Quora, who clearly and simply described the situation for those who were going to mow the lawn at 7 am. Here is the meaning of his words:

It is too early to trim your lawn if the turf is still wet or damp from the dew that accumulates over night.

It won’t kill it if you trim it wet however then it isn’t helpful for your mower or your lawn either one and can cause some issues.

The other thing to consider, as discussed by others in their responses, is that you might be disturbing someone by mowing so early.

However, if there are no home owners association guidelines or local laws that restrict you from cutting that early and you do not have any neighbors who care and needs to the lawn be relatively dry then I ‘d say No 7am isn’t too early to trim the lawn.

Is It Better to Mow in the Morning or Evening?

Lawn mowing time
Lawn mowing time

Cutting your lawn too late in the day is simply as bad as mowing to early. It is necessary to understand and should be avoided! This is since as night settles in, so does this dew. Similar to the early morning hours, you risk exposing your freshly cut lawn to disease and fungal infections.

What About the Neighbors?

If you still had to do the lawn in the late afternoon, try to keep up to 6pm. Your neighbors will appreciate your effort to be a nice neighbor to them and not torment them with the noise of the lawn mower.